For the past few years, I’ve written two lists of my goals and priorities. To actually keep them top of mind, I’ve plastered them on the creme wall behind my computer. If you can’t see it, you can’t achieve it, right? Right.
Since I’ve reactivated my website this year, it’s only proper and polite that I share it with you all. Also, if I spread my wishes for the year on the internet maybe someone will help make them a reality?
The Bigger Picture for 2024: The general themes that I want out of the year
- Financial Stability
- Health (Mental and Physical)
- Purpose Fulfillment
- Schedule Flexibility
Ideal Client Load for 2024: The projects and income amounts I’d like to have from each revenue stream
- Full Time Job: $80k+
- Photography: $3k
- Water Your Dreams $5k
- Zero small marketing projects unless they’re amazing portfolio builders and networking opportunities, but I’m open to freelance contracts.
My previous marketing client Victoria Reese, of the Victor Group in LA, introduced me to the concept of setting your intentions for each year in a single word. My word of the year is…. Peace.
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