Great Show Seat Tip: Presale

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“Nothing feels better than this.”

– Khalid, Better

I’m convinced that Khalid wrote this line to describe the awe and beauty of attending a great show with an even better seating assignment. Life is better when you have amazing concert seats. But how do you get there on a budget? Pre-sale seats, my friend. Pre-sale is the wave. I’m going to talk about the different types of codes I’ve encountered (some I can’t speak on because I haven’t used them). For this post, I’m going to use the Ariana Grande tickets I recently purchased as an example because she had like 10,000 presale codes.


So a lot of most shows are sold via Ticket Master / Live Nation. I’ve paid for shows on TicketFly and AXS also. But 90% have been through Live Nation/ Ticketmaster. Because of this, I’ve learned that when you sign up for an account with them and indicate your preferences, you’re more likely to know about the pre-sale opportunities. I’ve noticed the four types of presale codes and will briefly talk about each.

  1. Ticketmaster / LiveNation
  2. Venue Specific
  3. Credit Card
  4. Artist Specific
  5. Bonus: Google

TicketMaster / Live Nation

Ticketmaster / Live Nation  tend to have their own presale codes. So in order to sign up for it, you first need to sign up for an account.  For Ticketmaster and Live Nation, checkout is 10x quicker if you have your credit card saved. I’m not saying that you should do it, but I am saying that you’re more likely to get your seats if you have your card saved. Ticketmaster also has a “Verified Fan” sale where people are able to sign up and in a lottery-type situation, you receive access to a presale. 

Venue Specific

Depending on the show, the venue more than likely has their own pre-sale. When I’ve gotten tickets through Ticketfly or AXS, the venue was typically responsible for distributing the presale code. AXS’ parent organization is AEG (you know… Goldenvoice, Coachella, Stagecoach, Camp Flog Gnaw, etc). I’ve also gotten Ticketfly tickets through a lot of smaller, more independent, venues. For example, El Club (Detroit) and Masquerade (Atlanta) and Minglewood Hall (Memphis) all use Ticketfly to distribute tickets.

Credit Card

American Express and Citi are the two cards I think of that have cardholder benefits for shows. They both offer presale codes and it’s typically a 1-800 number or something. I have an Amex and used it for the Ari and Anderson .Paak shows. I have no clue how Citi presales work, but I’m sure that a Google search will help. 🙂

Artist Specific

Artists love their fans. It’s how they get paid, so why not reward the people who kindly let you spam their inbox? Depending on the artist, you might be able to get a presale code just by signing up for their email updates. When you purchase items from an artist, you’re added to their email list also. Having artist presale codes is a great way to analyze which people from your email list take action on your updates. Having this information is important because you can reward the fans who financially support you.

Bonus: Google

This isn’t really a presale code avenue. But it’s a great way to find presale codes. Obviously Google is your friend. If you’re looking for codes and haven’t gotten them through your email or text, Google is your next best bet.


In the screenshots below, you’ll find the different pre-sale codes/ options that Ariana Grande had for her Sweetener tour. 

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